04 June 2007

Eco-Friendly Trick #2 - BYO (Silverware Holder)

There are some very simple ways to save the Earth, and the simplest of all is reuse. We see this all the time at the grocery store; a $0.05/bag bonus if you bring your own bags. But where else can you BYO? Why, everywhere! Eating out is a key example. Think of how many times you've wandered through the nameless food court at your local mall. You know the one - they're handing out samples of sesame chicken on toothpicks next door to the yummy smell of cinnamon buns.

When you go there, what type of silverware is provided? Plastic, of course. And no sooner do you finish your meal do you toss it into the garbage, thus adding yet another layer of plastic reinforcement to the local landfill.

Why do that, when you can BYO? I decided to create something to make it a little easier. I was inspired by both my crochet hook holder (actually a painter's travel brush set) and by a similar item in a fair-trade magazine. It was simple - a roll that had small pockets for utensils and a napkin. I decided to make one.

First I used some upcycled fabric I'd saved from a thrift store. Same for the silverware and napkins. Then I set to work. I guessed on the dimensions, and they, for the most part, worked out great. The silverware is completely hidden in the pockets, something I hated at first, but after a few runs, I realized that they didn't get dirty or fall out when they were completely covered. A small "mistake" ended up being a superior design. The napkin requires rolling to get into its pocket, but then, the whole thing requires rolling, so I figure that's no big deal. And since the roll could change diameter depending on how (or if) people inserted things, I decided to give it tie closures.

In the end, I ended up with top-stitched details (including the tie strings) and one pretty little pouch.

Lessons learned:
1) Do not sew when your baby is sleeping. You will feel guilty. Very guilty.
2) Straight lines on uneven nap are near impossible.
3) Spoons are not as long as one would think.
4) Rolled hems are not easy. Buy the napkin instead (this is what I did).

And, as always, you'll see this in my shop soon.

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