14 March 2007

My first custom request (Crazy Purses)

I received my first custom requests when I offered to trade something in my store for an adorable handmade puppy dog from Peihan's Etsy Store. Turns out that Peihan liked my coin purses, and wanted a few in a wider color range. It seemed like a fair trade to me, and I was off to make the new purses.

Problem was that I hadn't actually made a coin purse like that in two years, so it was going to take some heavy remembering to get them done. Once we established color and size, I set to work. They came together quickly, as soon as my fingers remembered the motions.

And so, I've posted two "new" items, a mini-purse in black (the size 3 cotton yielded a purse too big to be called a coin purse) and a coin purse in navy blue. I'm pleased.

Lessons Learned:
1) Fiberfill should come in more colors than white, because white fiberfill is very noticeable on dark yarns
2) It takes awhile for your hands to become reacquainted with a size 7 steel hook after using size I wooden hooks for months
3) Taking a decent photo of stitch detail on a dark, small item is nearly impossible
4) Custom projects are infinitely more fun than regular projects because you know who they're going to, what they want, and how they will use the item. Very fulfilling

I posted these items to the new "Reserved" section of my shop. If you would like me to make one for you, or want any other sort of custom work done, just drop me a line!

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