18 May 2007

Saving Face (A Soap Saver)

The week my daughter was born, I had arranged a trade with BellaCosaArt for a couple of face scrubbies and a soap saver.

The scrubbies were already created; no big deal there, but I had to design and make the soap saver. I knew I didn't want a saver that was either too meshy (soap remnants would fall through) or too dense (too little exfoliation action), so I decided on a back loop single crochet base. I knew I hated drawstrings that were loose so that you had to tie the saver shut (you can lose the tie and it's a pain to unknot wet cotton), so I decided for a closed drawstring that relied on gravity and tension to close (both present in a shower, thanks to hanging up the saver and wet cotton). I didn't want a saver so small that an off-the-shelf bar of soap wouldn't fit, nor a saver so big that it was ineffective. I settled on a 3.5 x 5" (9.5 x 11 cm) saver. A bar of Ivory or Lever 2000 fits just as well as those I've received from cottagegardentherapi or normasbathandbody.

The finished pouch feels divine. I'll have it posted to Etsy soon for your purchasing or trading pleasure.

Lessons learned:
1) It is hard to find the time and energy to create when there's a newborn in the house
2) The simplest projects are the hardest to complete

1 comment:

Sandra Eileen said...

Those lessons are so very true. :)