22 April 2007

My Greatest Kreation

On April 18, 2007 at 2144, I finally got to see the greatest thing I have ever created: My daughter, Gabrielle Victoria.

It's still weird to type. I never envisioned myself as a parent. I never thought I'd be sitting at a computer, with my baby sleeping on my chest. I never thought I would look at another human being and be simply amazed by the fact she's here and looking at me. I never knew how amazing being a mother truly is.

I'm in awe. And I'm exhausted. My other kreations will have to wait while I tend to this one. And that's okay.


Sandra Eileen said...

Oooo, baby breath - I know you are feeling the love today. How beautiful.

Kathleen J. said...

Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful daughter.

Cynthia said...

Congratulations on the birth of your new baby, Angelina! She's so precious. I remember when my daughter was born and you're right, there is no love like that in the world! I like baby breath too.